The chalet is located in the village of Venosc (alt. 900m) in the Vénéon valley.
Postal address: Chemin du Raou 60
38520, La Ville - Venosc
(GPS coordinates / Longitude : 44°59'33.7"N
Latitude : 6°06'55.0"E)
Address 3Words : bientôt.adagio.limace
Venosc is located in the township of Deux Alpes and participates in the Community of township of Oisans. The village is located on the edge of the Ecrins National Park.
To reach Les 2 Alpes, there is are cable cars which connect the village and the ressort (alt 1650m) in the winter and summer season.
- The village of Venosc (altitude 900m)
- Hamlet of « la Ville », altitude 1000m
- Connected to the 2 Alpes resort (1650m-3200m) by cable car
- Oisans natural region
- On the edge of the Ecrins National Park (la Bérarde) in the Isère department
All information about Venosc is available on the website Information about les 2 Alpes resort can be found here: You will have a very nice presentation of the Ecrins National Park on and of the Oisans region on